EP YLs Toronto

36 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario M5C 1H3, Canada


Oferta especial

20% discount for all courses from 1-52 weeks Show details »

EP YLs Toronto ofrece los siguientes tipos de cursos:

a partir de
Mex$ 23,902
Mex$ 29,877

a partir de
Mex$ 24,991
Mex$ 31,238

a partir de
Mex$ 25,717
Mex$ 32,146


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EP YLs Toronto ofrece los siguientes tipos de alojamiento:

Residencia de estudiantes - Habitación compartida para 2 personas - Desayuno, almuerzo y cena

Mex$ 4,009

Twin Ensuite - Full Board

Rango de edades: 13 - 17 años
Emplazamiento: Outside the city center of Toronto
Tipo de alojamiento: Residencia de estudiantes
Tipo de habitación: Habitación compartida para 2 personas
Régimen de comidas: Desayuno, almuerzo y cena (21 comidas por semana)
Instalaciones : Baño privado, lavandería, internet Wi-Fi, internet gratis, aire acondicionado, y supervisión 24/7
Distancia a la escuela: 45 - 60 minutos en subterráneo
Disponibilidad: enero - diciembre
Día de llegada: domingo, después de las 02:00
Día de salida: domingo, antes de las 12:00
Mex$ 4,009
- Twin room with private bathroom
- Full equipped shared kitchen and living space
- On-site gym, swimming pool, sauna and steam room (payable & booked at reception)
- High-speed WiFi included

About the residence

Accommodation types:
Student residence; twim rooms with private bathroom and shared kitchen
Bedrooms: The bedroom contains the following: two beds (¾ size), two pillows, bedding, chair, desk, window, closet. (Excluding towels).

Things you need to bring: This residence is offered on a self-catering basis. You will need to buy your own food, toiletries, and small household items, such as toilet paper and washing up liquid. You will also need to bring your own towels.

Kitchen: The in-unit kitchen contains the following: microwave, kettle, toaster, cutlery, cooking utensils, fridge, freezer, oven.

Facilities*: On-site gym, swimming pool, sauna and steam room, outdoor courtyard, cinema room, laundry facilities, games and study areas, prayer and meditation room. *Some of the communal spaces require booking with Reception.

Extra cost facilities:
- Laundry fees
- On-site gym, swimming pool, sauna and steam room – Payable at reception

Guest Requirements
Visitors/guests: No overnight guests.
Noise: Residents are required to respect all other residents and maintain a level of noise that does not disturb others. Quiet hours are 10pm - 8am.
Smoking: No smoking allowed anywhere in the residence.

Reception/security desk:
24-hour service. Office hours are Monday to Friday 08:00-18:00 excluding bank holidays. Outside of these times the reception is manned by the security team.

Cleaning service: Light cleaning will be provided from 10am every Saturday.
Prior to this we ask that students strip the linen of the beds and leave this in
the room to be collected. (fresh linen will be left by the cleaners). Students
are asked to leave their rooms tidy and free of obstruction and put away their
personal effects. They do not need to remain present during cleaning. It is also students’ responsibility to maintain the lounge tidy, and the kitchen clean, by washing their dishes, pans and cutlery after cooking.

Beddings/towels: Fresh clean linens and bedding provided at check-in. 2 sheets, 4 pillowcases & duvet Towels not provided.

Minimum weeks requests:
2 weeks minimum stay. Booking from Saturday to Saturday.

Check-in/check-out: From 3pm/ before 10am. If students arrive after 6 pm, the Security will check them in, but they cannot help with special requirements. Students need to register at Reception and present the Britannia confirmation letter.

*Please note* Breakfast & dinner is provided at the residence, and lunch is offered at school premises.

Accommodation location: Toronto, Ontario

Apoyo para visas

Language International no puede realizar el proceso de aplicación de visas en nombre de los estudiantes. Sin embargo, podemos proporcionarle toda la documentación necesaria que va a necesitar como parte de su aplicación.

Mandarán su carta de aceptación a su domicilio por correo estándar sin cobro.

Vuelos y transporte al aeropuerto

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Toronto based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Seguro de viaje

Estudia en el extranjero sin preocupaciones con la cobertura del seguro de salud y de efectos personales de Language International. Cuando reservas un curso con nosotros, puedes optar por comprar un plan de seguro amplio que cubra no sólo tus costos de atención de la salud, ¡sino también la pérdida de tus pertenencias personales. Necesita reservar su seguro de antemano.

Aprenda más sobre nuestro plan de seguro de salud y de viaje »

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36 Victoria Street
Ontario M5C 1H3


Explore English in Dublin’s heart by the river Liffey. The city blends history, energy, and attraction, epitomizing Ireland’s culture. Dublin’s neighborhoods brim with traditions,
languages, and flavors, knitting a vibrant tapestry.
From the General Post Office’s spire to Phoenix Park’s serenity and Temple Bar’s cobblestones, Dublin harmonizes past and urban life. Teens, exploratory journey in this captivating city.

Includes 5 half day activities, 1 full day trip & 7 evening activities.


Preguntas y respuestas

¿Preguntas? Recibe respuestas de nuestros consejeros estudiantiles, del personal de la escuela EP YLs Toronto y de alumnos anteriores.

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